eNPS score

Measure employee satisfaction via eNPS

See how loyal, dedicated, and engaged your workforce is with a single metric.

  • North star metric for EX
  • Benchmarkable internally for continuous improvement
  • Supports your journey to becoming an employer of choice

frontline employee net promoter score (eNPS) by location

Segment your eNPS for actionable results

Filter by location, role type, tenure and other demographic attributes to understand how sentiment changes across different employee dimensions.

  • Identify patterns and trends by specific areas of your workforce
  • Address the needs of specific employee segments, without requiring global change
  • Communicate with and leverage your employee advocates

eNPS positive comment screen

Discover the “why” behind your eNPS

Our open text comments and qualitative inputs go beyond the number to help you understand the why behind your eNPS.

  • Identify the detractors that are holding you back
  • Make meaningful improvements that directly impact employee satisfaction
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement

Jamie’s experience with WorkStep

“Thanks to WorkStep, we’ve dramatically improved retention and increased new hire satisfaction and preparedness.”

Jamie Anderson, Director of Talent Pipeline Program, NFI

Jamie Anderson